We are recruiting 15 ESRs to work for MultiMind while they do their PhD in one of the beneficiary institutions. See the section 'Work packages and projects' for a description of each project, information about the organisation and country where each project will be based, the main supervisor and the supervising committee.
Starting date for all ESRs: 1st September 2018 (ideally).
Duration of the research employment: 36 months.
Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs): All researchers recruited in MultiMind must be ESRs and undertake transnational mobility (see below). For all recruitments, the eligibility of the researcher will be determined at the time they start working at the project (September 2018).
Note: ESRs are defined as researchers who at the time when they start working for MultiMind are in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree. -
Nationality: ESRs can be of any nationality.
Transnational mobility: ESRs are required to undertake transnational mobility (i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up their appointment. Nationality is therefore not a criterion. Rather the location of the researcher's residence or main activity during the 3 years prior to their recruitment is determining. The researcher must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organisation for MultiMind for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start date (September 2018). Short stays, e.g. holidays, are not taken into account.
Note: the mobility rule applies to the (first) beneficiary where the researcher is recruited, and not to beneficiaries to which the researcher is sent or seconded. It is also only determined at one point in time: at the time when they start working for MultiMind (1st September 2018).
Danish nationals can be eligible for recruitment at a beneficiary located in Denmark if they have resided or carried out their main activity outside of Denmark for more than 24 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the starting date (September 2018).
Indian nationals can be eligible for recruitment at a beneficiary located in the UK if they have resided or carried out their main activity outside of the UK for more than 24 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the starting date (September 2018).
Refugees: Researchers with refugee status, as defined by the Geneva Convention, benefit from a less restrictive mobility rule: the refugee procedure (i.e. before refugee status is conferred) will not be counted as a 'period of residence/activity in the country of the beneficiary. This period will only be counted as of the day that they are recognised as refugees. This is because refugees, by definition, are likely to have made unplanned changes of country, moving abroad rapidly without being able to arrange a research position in advance. They may have had to suspend their education or professional activities while obtaining permission to stay in the country. Therefore their mobility is not required to be as recent.
General selection criteria
A Master of Arts (MA) or a Masters of Science (MSc) or equivalent degree in Linguistics, Psychology, Speech & Language Therapy or similar discipline that provides the doctoral candidate with appropriate background for the MultiMind project.
A high mark in the Master programme.
A high mark on the Master Thesis.
Research experience beyond the Undergraduate and Master programmes.
Research methods related to MultiMind.
Publications from the Undergraduate or Master Thesis (if any), or from other scientific activities.
Selection criteria for each specific project
ESR1 - now filled
Candidates should (ideally) be proficient in German and Italian in addition to having a high level of proficiency in English.
Contact Prof Tanja Kupisch: tanja.kupisch@uni-konstanz.de
ESR2 - now filled
Previous degree: MSc/MA
Research methodology:
Familiarity with behavioural research methods (reaction times).
Experience with brain imaging methodologies (electrophysiological methods, Eye-tracking etc.) will be a plus.
At least basic knowledge of statistics and experience with data management.
Written and spoken fluency in French.
Good mastery of English.
For further information contact Prof Julie Franck: Julie.Franck@unige.ch
ESR3 - now filled
Previous degree: MSc/MA
Research methodology:
Familiarity with behavioural research methods (reaction times).
Experience with brain imaging methodologies (electrophysiological methods, Eye-tracking etc.) will be a plus.
At least basic knowledge of statistics and experience with data management.
Written and spoken fluency in Polish and/or other Slavic languages.
Good mastery of English.
Contact Prof Jeanine Treffers-Daller: j.c.treffers-daller@reading.ac.uk
ESR4 - now filled
Previous degree: MA/MSc Linguistics/ Psychology/ Neuroscience
Research methodology:
Familiarity with behavioural research methods (production and/or comprehension).
Experience with EEG/ERP methodologies (electrophysiological methods highly desired).
At least basic knowledge of statistics and experience with data management.
Languages: Italian or other Romance (highly desirable)
For further information contact Prof Theo Marinis: t.marinis@uni-konstanz.de
ESR5 - now filled
Previous degree: MA/MPhil Linguistics
Research methodology:
Familiarity with behavioural research methods (reaction times). Experience with electrophysiological methods will be a plus.
At least basic knowledge of statistics and experience with data management.
Languages: Knowledge of Germanic/Romance languages.
Interest in second language acquisition
For further information contact Prof Niels Schiller: n.o.schiller@hum.leidenuniv.nl
ESR6 - now filled
Previous degree: MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Psycholinguistics or a related discipline
Research methodology:
Familiarity with behavioural research methods (reaction times).
Experience with brain imaging methods will be a plus.
At least basic knowledge of statistics and experience with data management.
Fluency in English,
Knowledge of Mandarin, Malay or Tamil will be a plus.
For further information contact Dr Ngee Thai Yap: ngeeyap@gmail.com
ESR7 - now filled
Previous degree: MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Psycholinguistics or a related discipline
Research methodology:
Familiarity with experimental research methods (infant studies).
Intermediate to advanced knowledge of statistics
Experience with eye tracking and EEG methods will be a plus.
Programming knowledge of Matlab, R or Python is strongly recommended
Fluency in English,
Knowledge of Spanish or Catalan will be a plus
For further information contact Prof Nuria Sebastian-Galles: nuria.sebastian@upf.edu
ESR8 - now filled
Previous experience: Knowledge of clinical psychology, experimental psychology
Languages: Spanish
For further information contact Prof Albert Costa: albert.costa@upf.edu
ESR9 - now filled
Previous degree: Experimental Psychology
Research methodology:
Experimental cognitive and social research, advanced statistical methods (e.g. moderation & mediation analyses, mixed models approach, etc.), knowledge of programs for experimental research (e.g. eprime, dmdx, psychopy etc.), strong programming and statistical skills is a plus.
Languages: Knowledge of Polish will be an asset, but it’s not a must
Evidence of academic achievements, documented ability to work independently and in a team, experience in conducting psychological research, knowledge of social cognition and cognitive psychology will be an asset; cultural competences are essential, self-discipline and high work motivation
Application for this project must include the following statement: “I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposes of recruitment” (under the Polish Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997, consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2016, item 922)".
Deadline: 1. August 2018
For further information contact Dr Zofia Wodniecka: zofia.wodniecka@uj.edu.pl
ESR10 - now filled
Previous degree: MA/MSc (or equivalent) in linguistics or psychology (with an interest in language)
Languages: Italian (at least basic and willing to improve quickly)
Deadline: 15.6.2018
For further information contact Prof Maria Teresa Guasti: mariateresa.guasti@unimib.it
ESR11 - now filled
Previous degree: German Linguistics, M.Ed. German, or equivalent
Research methodology: Some experience in experimental design
Preferred: Experience with EEG/ERP-methodology, programming skills
Languages: German, some knowledge of Italian
Other: Preferred: Experience with child and/or clinical populations
Deadline: 31.8.2018
For further information contact Dr Tanja Rinker: tanja.rinker@uni-tuebingen.de
ESR12 - now filled
Previous degree: Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Linguistics and similar
Research methodology: The candidate should have:
general notions of Psychometrics and test theory.
Familiarity with experiment-building programs (e.g. E-Prime, Psychopy etc.) is desirable.
Programming skills and basic knowledge of computational concepts would be preferential criteria
Languages: At least some knowledge of Italian and German. Basic knowledge of additional languages (Chinese or Polish) would be preferential criteria.
Deadline: 20.08.2018 12pm
For further information contact Dr Maria Luisa Lorusso: marialuisa.lorusso@bp.lnf.it
ESR13 - now filled
Previous degree: MA Linguistics/Applied linguistics/Second language acquisition
Research methodology:
Some familiarity with socio-linguistic and ethnographic research methods;
language teaching observation
Languages: Very good knowledge of Italian and a second language
Interest in second language acquisition;
experience working with migrants
For further information contact Dr Federico Faloppa: f.faloppa@reading.ac.uk or Dr Anna Bucca: bucca@arci.it
ESR14 - now filled
Previous degree: MA/MSc (or equivalent degree) in (Applied) Linguistics
Research methodology:
design of experimental tasks,
language teaching intervention methods,
coding and statistical analysis of linguistic data
Language: Greek
Other: Previous experience working with refugees is welcome
Deadline: 11.07.2018
Applicants need to additionally apply through AUTh. More information:
For further information contact Dr Despoina Papadopoulou: multimind-ESR14@lit.auth.gr
ESR15 - now filled
Previous degree: MA/MSc (or equivalent) in linguistics or psychology (with an interest in language)
Languages: Italian (at least basic and willing to improve quickly)
Deadline: 15.6.2018
For further information contact Prof Maria Teresa Guasti : mariateresa.guasti@unimib.it
Benefits & Salary
The successful candidates will receive a 36 month, full-time employment contract as per Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) regulations for early stage researchers. The monthly salary will be confirmed upon offer, paid in the currency of the host country, and with a correction factor applied to the host country.
Country correction coefficients:
Germany: 98.8%
Greece: 92.7%
Italy: 106.7%
Malaysia: 71.6%
Netherlands: 104.3%
Poland: 76.4%
Spain: 97.6%
Switzerland: 113.1%
United Kingdom: 120.3%
The approximate monthly salary before employer and statutory deductions is: e.g. €3,072 (Germany), €3,741 (UK) … plus an additional mobility allowance of €600/month. Researchers may also qualify for a family allowance of €500/month depending on family situation at the time of recruitment. Please visit the EU MSCA website for further information.
The initial closing date for the positions will be June 30, 2018, but applications will continue to be considered until suitable candidates have been appointed.
***IMPORTANT: Application deadlines and start dates vary. Please check out the deadlines of the individual project for details.***
Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the researchers in charge of the projects as soon as possible.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 765556.