Photo: Luca Prestia
Management and coordination
Work package 1
Lead beneficiary: University of Konstanz
Work package lead: Theo Marinis
Scientific organization of MultiMind;
Coordination of partners and research projects;
Regular updates on the project progress;
Preparation of the scientific and financial reports;
Consolidate main results.

Photo: Luca Prestia
Language learning, cognition & creativity
Lead beneficiary: University of Geneva
Work package lead: Julie Franck
To establish whether being bilingual accelerates the acquisition of a third language, of new natural languages and artificial languages, and factors that affect the language acquisition process, e.g. onset, age, environment;
To test models of L3 language acquisition whether the typological distance between the learned languages plays a role;
To test the impact of different code-switching types on cognition and creativity.

Photo: Luca Prestia
Language processing and the multilingual brain
Lead beneficiary: Leiden University
Work package lead: Niels Schiller
To uncover the role of mother-tongue literacy, task, and modality in the way heritage language produce and process language in real-time using behavioral and ERP methods;
To address the effect of typological distance in the acquisition/processing of grammatical gender using ERP methods;
To examine the role of orthographic transparency on brain structure and connectivity.

Photo: Luca Prestia
Multilingualism cognition and society
Lead beneficiary: Jagiellonian University
Work package lead: Zofia Wodniecka
To investigate how language shapes group membership in infancy and early childhood in mono- and multilingual children and how this affects in-group selective learning.
To explore the role of the foreign language on decision making and on mental treatments by promoting the adoption of emotion regulatory strategies.
To explore the role of multiligualism on stereotypes, use of social categories, re-categorization of a perceived target person, and prejudice control
To compare outcomes for L2 learners living in more (UK) and less (PL) migrant-present settings

Photo: Luca Prestia
Language impairment in multilingual children
Lead beneficiary: University Milano Bicocca
Work package lead: Maria Teresa Guasti
To find out phonological and morphological measures that characterize Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in multilingual children
To find out language precursors of dyslexia in multilingual children
To find out measures to identify dyslexia in each L2 language
To examine the protective role of bilingualism on Dyslexia and SLI
To determine language specific markers of Dyslexia and SLI in 6 languages
To use these markers for developing computerized tests and administer them

Photo: Luca Prestia
Multilingualism in migration and refugee settings
Lead beneficiary: University of Reading
Work package lead: Federico Faloppa
Explore language development in children from a migrant and refugee background;
Examine the efficacy of traditional and new teaching methodologies for improving L2 acquisition and literacy;
Evaluate the effectiveness of the educational techniques in different areas of language, depending on whether children are literate or illiterate unaccompanied minor refugees or immigrant children.
Collect information about language policies in for migrant and refugee children across Europe;
Working with different communities of immigrant children (Chinese, Polish), establish whether supporting the oral use of the L1 and literacy in the L1 of immigrant children improve the oral acquisition and literacy in L2.

Training, oversight and consistency
Work package 7
Lead beneficiary: University of Tübingen
Work package lead: Tanja Rinker
ESR recruitment;
Coordination of Personal Career Development Plans (PCDPs);
Organisation of training schools;
Oversight of visits to professional organisations – schools, hospital;
Organisation of workshops for training on non-academic employment and dissemination;
Oversight of secondments;
Oversight of the status/awarding of doctoral degrees.

Dissemination and exploitation
Work package 8
Lead beneficiary: University of Konstanz
Work package lead: Theo Marinis
Dissemination of main findings to academic audiences at international conferences;
Dissemination of findings in top peer-review journals;
Dissemination to professional audiences in education, health, business sector, policy makers, and other stakeholders in each of the countries involved through four reports targeting specific audiences;
Dissemination of materials for screening and rehabilitation to be shared with professionals in clinical settings;
Communication of findings to the general public and public engagement.

Work package 9
Lead beneficiary: University of Konstanz
Work package lead: Theo Marinis
Identifying and addressing ethics issues throughout the duration of the project
Rigorous application of ethical standards and guidelines of Horizon2020
Ensure that all projects undergo ethical scrutiny
Ensure that procedures for data collection, storage, protection, retention and destruction comply with national and EU legislation
Ensure measures are in place to avoid stigmatisation