Much language such talk by Bilingualism Matters
Kletsheads by Sharon Unsworth
Bilingual families
What parents want to know about bilingualism by François Grosjean
FAQs on bilingualism: by the National Literacy Trust plus other pdf files available for download by signing up for free account.
Life as a Bilingual is acclaimed researcher on Bilingualism François Grosjean’s column for Psychology Today.
Bi-SLI FAQs: for bilingual parents, specifically more information on speech and language disorders
ESOL Scotland: Resources and information for ESOL teachers and learners in Scotland
NATECLA (National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults): Information for ESOL teachers in the UK
NALDIC (National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum): Information and support for EAL teachers in the UK
SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages): Information on language teaching in Scotland, plus lots of general information and advice on languages
British Association of Teachers of the Deaf: Information and resources for teachers of the Deaf
Speak to the Future: Campaign for language diversity and learning learning in the UK