European Day of Speech and Language Therapy
6th March 2022
Logopedia e bilinguismo - scambio esperienze online
13th July 2021, online
Bilingualism: conflict for which your brain will thank you.
Brain Awareness Week
15th-21th March 2021, online
European Day of Speech and Language Therapy
6th March 2021, online
Studying babies’ minds: From logical thinking to language acquisition
13th November 2020, Barcelona, Spain
30th November and 1st December 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
For more information click here
Studying babies’ minds: From logical thinking to language acquisition
10th July 2019, Barcelona, Spain
For more information click here
International Mother Langauge Day
21st February 2022
Studying babies’ minds: From logical thinking to language acquisition
13th June 2021, Barcelona, Spain
International Mother Language Day
21st February 2021, online
Bilingualism: A world to discover
Researchers Night at University Milano-Bicocca
27th-28th November 2020, Milano, Italy
16th October 2020, online
Participation at the London Langauge Show
15th November 2019, London, UK
Multilingualism in Konstanz, Europe and the world. Perspective and projects in the future
5th July 2019, Konstanz, Germany
For more information click here
Multilingualism in schools
10th December 2021, Italy
Bilingualism: Challanges during the post-Covid-19 era. What did we learn from this adventrue?
9th Festival of Multilingualism
11th-13th June 2021, online
Studying babies’ minds: From logical thinking to language acquisition
16th and 23rd February, Barcelona, Spain
Discussing Multilingualism
8th Festival of Multilingualism
26th-29th November 2020, online
A workshop on “Early language development and multilingualism” for nannies
4th March 2020, Konstanz, Germany
Participation at the research night “Notte della ricerca” at IRCCS Eugenio Medea
8th November 2019, Bosisio Parini, Italy
Linguistic issues surrounding refugees and asylum seekers
3rd July 2019, Reading, UK
For more information click here