Post by Konstantina Olioumtsevits and Despina Papadopoulou (Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki)
The ESR14 team based at AUTh, Konstantina Olioumtsevits and Despina Papadopoulou, in collaboration with the Linguistics Lab of AUTh and UNICEF, organized a two-day workshop on “Education of migrant and refugee children”. The workshop took place in Thessaloniki, 30 November 2019 and 1 December 2019. Teachers working in formal and non-formal education as well as students attended the workshop. In total there were approximately 30 attendees. The topics of the workshop included: (a) grammar teaching in the second language, (b) techniques and strategies on language and literacy enhancement, (c) an overview of similarities and differences between Greek and the migrants’ and refugees’ most common L1s (Arabic, Farsi and Kurdish), (d) intercultural awareness. Konstantina Olioumtsevits and Despin Papadopoulou were involved in the session of grammar teaching in the second language, discussing several interventions that have been found to be effective in the field.
Despina Papadopoulou (left picture) and Konstantina Olioumtsevits (right picture)