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Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Grammatical and lexical development in migrant primary school children. 12 May 2019 Lesvos, Greece. MultiMind training school

Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Grammatical and lexical development in migrant primary school children. 12 May 2019 Lesvos, Greece. MultiMind training school

Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Grammatical and lexical development in migrant primary school children. 12 May 2019 Lesvos, Greece. MultiMind training school



Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling, Tanja Rinker and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Multilingual approaches in Speech and Language Therapy. Are we there yet?" (poster presentation). European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy (26 - 28 May, Salzburg, Austria).  

Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Gender and Number Agreement in Italian as a Heritage Language: A Self-Paced Reading Study” (poster presentation). Heritage Languages Around the World (18 - 20 May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal).

David György, Sonja Kotz, Doug Saddy, and Julie Franck: "Rhythmic priming of syntactic processing in Jabberwocky: a short-lived effect?” (poster presentation). 35th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (24 - 26 March 2022, California, Santa Cruz / online).

Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Michal Korenar, Zehra Ongun, Tugba Karayayla, and Julia Hofweber: "Is it language or is it culture? Explaining creativity in bilinguals" (poster presentation). The Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (12 - 13 May 2022, online).



Fabrizio Arosio, Paola Francesca Aimone, Maria Teresa Guasti and Mathilde Chailleux: “The effect of structural priming on the development of morpho-syntactic abilities in Italian speaking children with SLI”. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (Siena, Italy; February 2021).


Jasmijn Bosch and Francesca Foppolo: “Incremental processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (Siena, Italy; February 2021). 


Jasmijn Bosch and Francesca Foppolo: "Prediction and reading skills in bilingual children on their way to biliteracy". 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (Nijmegen, Netherlands; June 2021)


Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, and Tanja Rinker: “Disentangling the effects of bilingualism from those of developmental language disorder: The role of input". Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; June 2021).

Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, and Tanja Rinker: "Perception and Production of Voice Onset Time in Monolingual German and Bilingual Italian-German Preschoolers“. International Child Phonology Conference 2021 (June 2021).

Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer and Tanja Rinker: "Processing of Voice Onset Time Differences in Monolingual German versus Bilingual ItalianGerman Preschoolers". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).

Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Language specific und unspecific nonword repetition tasks for bilingual children – construction, implementation & validation of the MuLiMi NWRT“ International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Symposium (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; June 2021)

Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker, and Valerie Shafer: "Perception and production of voice onset time in monolingual German and bilingual Italian-German preschoolers". Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2021 (University of Edinburgh,UK; October 2021).

Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, & Tanja Rinker: "Differences in processing of voice onset time in bilingual Italian-German children and Monolingual German controls". The Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Brisbane, Australia; October 2021).

Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker, and Valerie Shafer: "The development of voice onset time in bilingual Italian German children". Boston University Conference on Language Development 2021 (Boston, USA; November 2021).

Sofía Castro, Kalinka Timmer and Zofia Wodniecka: "Am I Really Monolingual? The Importance of Understanding Linguistic Experiences in Monolinguals". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).

Ingrid Davidovich, Genevieve Medina, Theresa Bloder, and Valerie Shafer: "English vowel and diphthong development in monolingual and bilingual toddlers". American Speech and Hearing Association Convention (Boston, USA; November 2021).

Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Introducing neurolinguistics to heritage language bilingualism: An EEG/ERP methodology for examining the role of morphological markedness”. Heritage Languages Around the World (Lisbon, Portugal; May 2021)


Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Using an EEG/ERP approach to study heritage language bilingualism". Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; June 2021).


Grazia Di Pisa and Theodoros Marinis: "Grammatical gender agreement in Italian as a Heritage Language". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).

Maren Eikerling: "MuLiMi: Screeningplattform für bilinguale Kinder – Guckste in die Röhre!?". Deutscher Bundesverband für akademische Sprachtherapie und Logopädie Symposium (February 2021).

Maren Eikerling: "MuLiMi – Computergestütztes, deutsch-italienisches Lesescreening für bilinguale Kinder". Deutscher Bundesverband für akademische Sprachtherapie und Logopädie Symposium (February 2021).

Maren Eikerling, Andrea Bigagli and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Computerized reading screening to identify dyslexia risk in Italian-Mandarin bilingual children". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).

Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles, and Niels Schiller: “Non-native noun phrase production: An ERP study on the role of language similarity”. Psychonomics 2021 Conference (New Orleans, USA; November 2021).

Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller: “Non-Native Noun Phrase Production in Multilingual Learners: An ERP Study”. International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).

Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Anna Ivanova Gupta, Leticia Pablos-Robles, and Niels Schiller: “Inhibitory control in language learners: The role of language similarity”. The Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Brisbane, Australia; October 2021).


Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Non-native noun phrase production: An ERP study on the role of language similarity”. The Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Brisbane, Australia; October 2021).


Dávid György, Lna Azzam Ali, Daphne Bavelier, Sonja Kotz, Doug Saddy, Antonella Sorace and Julie Franck: “Rhythmic priming of structure processing?". Expression, Language and Music Conference (Connecticut, USA; May 2021).


Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou and Theodoros Marinis: "Refugee children in primary education: outlining their profile and aspects of their L2 Greek development"". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).

Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Maki Kubota, Eleonora Rossi, and Jason Rothman: "Determinants of Bilingualism Catalyze Dynamic Changes in Resting State EEG Oscillations".  XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (Universities Nebrija, Spain; June 2021,)


Daniela Ávila-Varela, Gonzalo García-Castro & Núria Sebastián-Gallés. “Study of phonological overlap across languages in bilingual toddlers”. International Congress of Infant Studies ICIS2020. (Glasgow, UK/online; July 2020). 


Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, & Tanja Rinker. “Disentangling the effects of bilingualism from those of developmental language disorder: The role of input”. Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; rescheduled from May 2020 to June 2021). 


Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling, & Tanja Rinker. “Inputfaktoren bei bilingual deutsch- italienischen Kindern mit und ohne Sprachentwicklungsstörung: ine elektrophysiologische Studie”. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen ISES 11 (Marburg, Germany; November 2020). 


Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Incremental processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”. Workshop Multilingualism: Social and Cognitive Dimensions, part of Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 46. (Siena, Italy; rescheduled from February 2020 to February 2021).


Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Incremental processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”, 33rd Annual CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference CUNY2020 (Amherst, USA/online; March 2020). 


Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Prediction and reading skills in bilingual children on their way to biliteracy”. 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children ISBPAC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands; scheduled for May 2020, postponed until further notice). 


Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “The role of reading and vocabulary in bilingual children’s linguistic prediction”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020). 


Jasmijn Bosch, Ianthi Tsimpli & Maria Teresa Guasti. “Using English as the medium of instruction; a case study investigating language and learning outcomes of children in the Maldives”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020). 


Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia’En Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Prediction on the basis of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020). 


Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia’en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Prediction triggered by determiner features in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. 30th Conference of the European Second Language Association EuroSLA (Barcelona, Spain; rescheduled from July 2020 to July 2021). 


Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia’en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Processing of determiner features in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America GALANA 9 (Reykjavik, Iceland; scheduled for August 2020, postponed to 2021 or to be held online). 


Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman & Theo Marinis. “Introducing neurolinguistics to heritage language bilingualism: An EEG/ERP methodology for examining the role of morphological markedness”. Heritage Languages Around the World (Lisbon, Portugal; rescheduled from May 2020 to May 2021 due to the COVID-19 crisis). 


Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman & Theo Marinis. “Using an EEG/ERP approach to study heritage language bilingualism”. Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; rescheduled from May 2020 to June 2021). 


Gonzalo García-Castro, Daniela Ávila-Varela & Núria Sebastián-Gallés. “Does phonological overlap across translation equivalents predict earlier age of acquisition?”. International Congress of Infant Studies ICIS2020. (Glasgow, UK/online; July 2020). 


Maren Eikerling, Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker & Maria Luisa Lorusso. “The MultiMind web app – a modifiable, computerized system to identify the risk of Developmental Language Disorder and Developmental Dyslexia in bilingual children”. Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment BI-SLI2020 (Galway, Ireland/online; June 2020). 


Maren Eikerling, Theresa Bloder & Maria Luisa Lorusso. “Da guckste in die Röhre?! – Computergestützte Screenings für bilinguale Kinder”. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen ISES 11 (Marburg, Germany; November 2020). 


Dávid György, L. Ali, D. Bavelier, S. Kotz, D. Saddy, A. Sorace & J. Franck. “Rhythmic priming of structure processing?” 33rd Annual CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference CUNY2020 (Amherst, USA/online; March 2020)


Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Zehra Ongun, Julia Hofweber & Michal Korenar. “The impact of code-switching on executive functions: A study among Turkish-English bilinguals”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020). 


Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate Status”. 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children ISBPAC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands; scheduled for May 2020, postponed until further notice). 


Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate Status”. 12th Nordic Conference of Bilingualism NCB12 (Stockholm, Sweden; rescheduled from June 2020 to June 2021). 

Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate Status”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020) 


Daniela Ávila-Varela & Nuria Sebastian-Galles: "Study of phonological links across languages in Catalan-Spanish bilingual infants". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)

Jasmijn Bosch, Francesca Foppolo, F., Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio: "Bilingual processing of grammatical gender". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)


Jasmijn Bosch, Mathilde Chailleux & Francesca Foppolo. “Bilingual processing of grammatical gender”. Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing AMLaP2019 (Moscow, Russia; September 2019). 

Sofía Castro, Zofia Wodniecka, Marcin Bukowski & Juan Lupiáñez: "Motivated social cognition in bilinguals: Towards a new theoretical framework and ist empirical verification". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)


Sofía Castro, Zofia Wodniecka, Marcin Bukowski & Juan Lupiáñez. “Motivated social cognition in bilinguals: Towards a new theoretical framework and its empirical verification”. Summer School in Cognition, Communication and the Brain (Helsinki, Finland; August 2019). 

Mathilde Chailleux, Maria Teresa Guasti, Fabrizio Arosio, & Francesca Foppolo: "Predictions abilities in bilingual children with developmental dyslexia". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)

Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman. & Theo Marinis: "Processing of gender agreement in Italian heritage speakers. MultiMind training school", Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)

Maren Eikerling & Maria Luisa Lorusso: . Computerized system for the screening of Specific learning and language disorders within bilingual children". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)

Dávid György, Julie Franck, Doug Saddy & Antonella Sorace: "Multilingualism and rule extraction in the linguistic and visual domains". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)

Dávid György, L. Ali, D. Bavelier, S. Kotz, D. Saddy, A. Sorace & J. Franck. “Can rhythmic priming influence syntactic processing in typical adults?” Closing Conference of the Geneva Language & Communication Network (UNIGE, September 2019). 


Anika Lloyd-Smith, Henrik Gyllstad, Sergio M. Pereira Soares & Tanja Kupisch. “Operationalizing HL use in adult-aged HSs of Italian and Turkish”. Capturing and Quantifying Individual Differences in Bilingualism (Tromsø, Norway; September 2019). 

Mara Luisa Lorusso, Maria Teresa Guasti, Andrea Bigagli, Valentina Draghi, Shenai Hu & Maren Eikerling. “Language-specific, computerized system for the screening of Specific Learning and Language Disorders within bilingual children”. Giornate di Neuropsicologia dell’età evolutiva-XIV Edizione (Bressanone, Italy; January 2019).

Michal Korenar. “Let’s change the topic! How do late bilinguals process anaphora in stories with and without a topic-shift?” Linguistics Prague 2019 (Prague, Czechia; April 2019). 

Konstantina Olioumtsevits & Despina Papadopoulou: "Grammatical and lexical development in migrant primary school children". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)

Sergio Pereira Soares, Jason Rothman & Tanja Kupisch: "Early Bilinguals Acquiring a Third Language: EEG and Behavioral Evidence". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)

Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Toms Voits, Vincent DeLuca, Christos Pliatsikas, Jason Rothman, Anastasia Christakou & Ellen Bialystok. “Beyond structure: Investigating neurochemical bases for bilingualism-induced neural plasticity.” Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop (UKON; November 2019). 

Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic gender interference in German learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate status”. Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing AMLaP2019 (Moscow, Russia; September 2019). 

Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Nills Schiller: "Cross-linguistic gender interference effects in L2 learners: The effect of typological distance, cognate status and gender congruency". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)

Jia'en Yee & Ngee Thai Yap: "The effect of orthographic transparency on cognition, brain structure and connectivity." MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)

Jia’en Yee & Ngee Thai Yap, Theo Marinis, Christos Pliatsikas & Doug Saddy. “Processing of grammatical morphemes: Evidence for morphological decomposition?” Conference on Multilingualism COM2019 (UL; September 2019). 

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