The training structure of MultiMind has been designed to address multilingualism from a multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial perspective and to provide academic and non-academic training. Key aspects of the academic training comprise 4 training schools that provided a background in the key relevant disciplines for multilingualism (linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, education, and speech & language pathology) and whilst specializing in one or two of them, it provided a training platform for cross-fertilisation between these disciplines. During these four training events, ESRs received hands-on experience in cutting-edge methodologies, as well as training in transferable skills. In the 2nd and 3rd year, ESRs attended conferences to present their research. A key part of MultiMind was the involvement of the non-academic sector in the ESR training. The consortium included non-academic beneficiaries from health (MEDEA) and education (CPIA1) along with partners that provided non-academic secondments and enabled ESRs to develop professional skills across a range of sectors. Moreover, Bilingualism Matters, a research and information centre and 5 of its 16 branches are partners and provided ESRs with training in dissemination and communication activities and engagement with non-academic stakeholders and the general public.
Training schools:
Multidisciplinary training school on multilingualism; visit school for refugee children (May 2019): This two week-long summer school provided ESRs with multidisciplinary courses on multilingualism and training in research methods. The programme included courses on: 1) linguistic theories of multilingualism, 2) child bi-/multilingualism, 3) heritage language development, 4) cognitive aspects of multilingualism, 5) neuroscience of language in multilinguals, 6) teaching methods in children with a refugee background. In the afternoon, ESRs attended workshops for in depth training in research methods that are necessary for all ESRs (statistics using R, programming using Python, transcribing using CLAN). The training school took place in Lesvos (Greece). Visits to schools for refugee children were organised to enable volunteering opportunities to ESRs.
Training school on multilingualism, speech & language pathology & education; transferable skills; hospital visits (September 2019): This week-long event provided advanced courses on speech & language pathology and education. The programme included courses on: 1) assessment of multilingual children with language impairment, 2) remediation of multilingual children with language impairment, 4) literacy development in multilingual children, 5) language interventions for multilingual children in school. In the afternoon, ESRs attended workshops on transferable skills, e.g., project management, ethics, proposal writing, research integrity, dissemination and communication to non-academic audiences, as well as media training, writing policy reports, effective blogs, press releases, creating video clips and using social media to promote research outcomes. The training school took place in Como (near Milan). During the week a visit to MEDEA to observe speech & language therapy with multilingual children was also organised.
Training school on multilingualism and neuroscience (Autumn 2019): This week-long event was organised at the Centre of Integrative Neuroscience & Neurodynamics at the University of Reading for ESRs who wanted to get hands-on experience in neuroscience research. It included courses on using ERP, fMRI, and TMS methods for research on multilingualism. In the afternoon, ESRs received training on analysing ERP and/or fMRI data. This training school took place in Reading.
Training school on cognitive and social aspects of multilingualism; transferable skills; workshop on non-academic employment (spring and summer 2020, online): This training school organised by the Institute of Psychology of Jagiellonian University provided advanced courses on cognition and social psychology as they relate to multilingualism. It included courses on: 1) executive functions in multilinguals, 2) language and creativity, 3) language and identity, 4) language and decision making. Workshops on transferable skills, e.g., scientific writing, how to revise a paper and answer to reviewers, how to give a talk, team skills, multicultural awareness, gender issues, how to write a CV, how to interview well, employment opportunities outside the academia were also offered. Staff from beneficiaries and partner organisations outside the academia were invited to discuss their experiences in working within industry, health, and education sectors. The training school took place online. For more information on the courses click here.
Training within the non-academic sector
A unique aspect of training within the MultiMind programme comprises intersectorial training through training in non-academic beneficiaries (MEDEA, CPIA1) and secondments in the non-academic sector within IT (XRCE), publishing (JB, Elsevier), and health (FON, FINCB, Kentalis). All ESR took part in secondments - see project descriptions for each ESR project.