On 13th July 2021 the online meeting (in Italian) on multilingualism with SLTs "Logopedia e bilinguismo - scambio esperienze online" took place. It was organized by Bilingualism Matters Branch "Bilinguismo Conta" from the University Milan-Bicocca (including our ESRs Jasmijn
Bosch and Maren Eikerling) in collaboration with and Maria Luisa Lorusso from IRCCS E. Medea. After a short introduction on the topic of multilingualism and how to deal with it in the context of speech therapy diagnostics and intervention by Maria Luisa Lorusso, the almost 30 participants were divided into 2 groups. In break-out rooms, they were able to reflect on their own experiences in relation to multilingualism in clinical practice and share challenges and positive experiences with colleagues. This led to an exchange of helpful materials as well as reflections on the influence of political decisions on everyday clinical practice and perspectives for the future. Both, the introductory slides and an overview of the reflections in the breakout-rooms is available as PDF (in Italian).
